domingo, junio 20, 2004

A new Internet speed record

The EEUU group Sprint and his Swedish partner Sunet have announced this record: 4.23 gigabits per second. That means to get 600 movies at the same time…, not bad!!

We can already visit the Space

A weird place to visit, if you remember that it is dark and cold.

I think we have more interesting places to visit in the Earth. Of course you can be the kind of people who has visited all the available places so you need go to the space... Ok, I'm waiting for you... (please, may I have the cost of this beautiful trip in the Space Ship One?).

sábado, junio 19, 2004

God exists!

We won't have to spend more time opening our searches in a new web page. Ask Jeeves,, is testing now his new tool: prismatics.

This tool allows to show the preview of the page that you are looking for when you put the mouse on the link referenced, as an image in the same page of your seeker.

Simply unbelievable!!

viernes, junio 18, 2004

Is your laptop on holidays?

Of course you can carry your laptop to check your email..., but this is an excuse which shows that you're old.

To check your email you can use an Internet coffee and save yourself from carry the laptop around.

However, the statistics say that people go on holidays with little funny engines, called laptops. This devices storing movies, music, literature, games...

Here you can see the "greatest hits":
- MapPoint: to find maps, street directories, detailed city maps, road maps, ... of all the cities in the world.
- Michelin Guide: the same, but adds the traffic situation besides the weather forecast.
- ESA Meteosat Second Generation: has also the weather forecast in the last 6 hours.
- gets a complete meteorological information with satellite pictures.
- Authorama is a great site to find eBooks.

Movies, music and games..., everybody knows where to get them.

jueves, junio 17, 2004

The eLearning continues on the move

A non existing active Human Resource policy is the main cause of the slow down for the eLearning.

However, Doxa Group assures that in Spain the eLearning has increased a 30%.

In reference of the platforms issue, the trend is to use learning corporate portals from consulting companies, using ASP technology.

On the other hand, the companies agree that the key of success in every educational project is its methodology, even for the eLearning. I knew that Education's professionals always would have a job!

miércoles, junio 16, 2004

Welcome to the MB festival

I need help! What company to choose with a lot of Mb running through the net? It seems unbelievable…, six months ago, Yahoo and Hotmail wanted to close the free mail service offered until the date. Three months ago, I wrote an article about the cost of emails and the virtual post office which wanted to build Bill Gates.

Nevertheless, Google began the battle with Gmail = 1 Gb for your email account.

Today I sign my Yahoo mail and I see a present: 100 Mb. Yahoo offered 6 Mb before, and as I needed more space, I signed 10 accounts connected among them and redirected each one by the POP service. Now I have 10 x 100 Mb = 1000 Mb, almost 1 Gb, but sincerely, I don't know what to do with so much space...

Ok, let's to continue. Aventure Mail, Irish company, offers 2 Gb for your email account... My God!! Can you imagine this? 2 Gb for your personnel email?

And finally Spymac offers 1 Gb as well, 100 Mb for building your own web site, and 250 Mb more for your pictures. Really, it's true because I've opened and account and I've tested it. Now I'm very concerned because I don't know what to do with such big net space.

Oh yes, I forgot my spark... Private companies have to begin to think if they will continue hiring hosting...

martes, junio 15, 2004

I'm sorry for eBay

A teenager from California has been prosecuted with 33 months in prison and has to pay 16.660 €. His crime: to sell unexistent objects by means of the most sure site: eBay (of course this affirmation comes from the own eBay). Everybody knew that eBay was a "little bit" suspicious, and this news has been published for the huge amount of money, but I'm sure that there are so much little swindles, so I'm sorry for the venerated great one eBay (customers: be careful!!).

Of course our guest not was an angel. Here is his brief report:
16.660 from eBay, 19 years old
830.000 from cheated investors, 17 years old
74.970 from the actions' manipulation of advertising companies
921.630 euros have been his income with only 19 years old.

I'm also sure that he will be able to pay the fine.

jueves, junio 10, 2004

Video game controlled by the mind

It works with electrodes connected to the brain…, but connected inside the brain!! American engineers have created a system to control the movements of a video game by means of orders of the brain transmitted across electrodes.

Obviously, the scientific engineers indicated that these computers would benefit paralyzed persons or victims of accidents and would help them to work, to read, to write and up to moving in short distances…, but for me, the most incredible was the end of the article: "After a few sessions, the patients could play by means of signs that came of the surface of their brains. They achieved a precision of between 74 and 100 per cent. One of them succeeded 33 targets of a consecutive way."

Paralyzed persons playing to achieve targets? Maybe to paralyze more people?

viernes, junio 04, 2004

Spain continues being different

Yesterday I could read in a newspaper "the Spanish minister of Health announces that it will be prohibited to smoke at work in 18 months".

It was time!!, whether we bear in mind that this ban is only at work. Three months ago I wrote about the Ireland's ban, which had even forbidden to smoke in the pubs. Of course it was forbidden to smoke in companies, restaurants, shops... from a lot of time before.

Let's see what happens, so 18 months is also a lot of time.